Recession Proof = Google

Google Docs - I've been Pinked!
Image by jeffreypriebe via Flickr

Yep, that’s right folks Google does it again, 18% increase in this quarter’s profits or $1.48 bn for 3 months of trading. Yikes!! That’s pretty forking excellent! What does that mean for the rest of us, who knows! Maybe our Google Docs will be more secure as they have more more cash to splash about. Maybe Google will continue to offer unrivaled generosity to humanity, through its many apps and relevance in search or  maybe this is a green shoot that recession won’t be the end of us and in the darkness their is light.

One thing this news does show, Google is damn good at making money and their brand and offering is so strong, even in times of recession money is thrown at Google for search advertising, giving more and more kudos to the online marketing model.

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  • 20c

    too many google ads in and and around this article though 😛

  • 20c

    i like the turkish ads

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