- Image via Wikipedia
The war is well and truly on for the Numero Uno’ spot in location based gaming – Foursquare, Gowalla and MyTown being the contenders for the coveted title. While Foursquare and Gowalla have drawn huge media attention, it’s MyTown which looks to have taken the lead with a mammoth user base of nearly 500,000 users.
MyTown traces its origin to another game, Booyah written by the same team – Keith Lee, Brian Morrisroe and Sam Christiansen. MyTown already boasts of some staggering statistics – 31 million check-ins and 2.1 million unique locations. A key factor which contributed to the phenomenal success and massive fan following of MyTown was that it was featured by Apple for two weeks after it was publicly launched. It even made it to the list of top 10 free Apps in the Apple App Store, featuring at number 7.
I, for one, would hardly be surprised if MyTown makes it to the top spot in Apple App Store in the weeks to come.