It seems that Facebook hasn’t learned from its mistakes. Though it is by far the most popular social network on the internet, it tends to get into trouble by making changes to its interface every now and then.
Shortly after it was blasted by users all around the world for changes to its privacy policy, Facebook has now introduced navigation changes for users. So, what has changed for you on Facebook? The answer is plenty – the notifications, requests and messages have moved to top menu. The left menu now hosts the News Feed, Events, Photos, Friends and Apps. There are new links for Games and Applications and you can bookmark your favorite ones as well.
For the Gaming Freaks, there’s an easy to use Games Dashboard as well. You can change your Privacy Settings to show/ hide your Application activity. While I personally find the changes to be user friendly, Facebook needs to spare a thought for the ‘I hate change’ school of users.
‘Change is inevitable yet hard’ and Facebook seems intent on changing every now and then!