First Look at the Google Tablet – iPad Killer? [Concept VIDEO]

Moses with the Tablets of the Law (painting by...
Image via Wikipedia

Apple and Google have made it a habit to cross each other’s roads – Be it over Eric Schmidt, Apple blocking Google Voice on iPhone or the recent showdown of iPhone vs. Nexus One. Now, with Google releasing details of its Chromium Tablet, the Apple Google rivalry seems to be entering a new dimension altogether.

Apple iPad is touted to be a game changer for the publishing industry and the Google Tablet specs indicate that it might well be the next Apple iPad Killer. Google has just released the first images of ‘The Google Tablet’ and it’s sure to set the alarm bells ringing for the folks at Apple. On the first look, the Google Tablet seems to have a very sleek and attractive design.

Furthermore, unlike the iPad, it’s certain that Google Tablet would be rolled out based on multiple hardware platforms. Google managed to rope in almost all big players in the hardware industry to join its ambitious Chromium project and I’m sure that these heavyweights will leave no stone unturned to take on the iPad.

2010 is going to be one interesting year for the Tablet Industry for sure!

Concept Video

You can also check out the photo’s here

Ruk Cooray is Co-Founder of you can find him on twitter here rambling about something or the other

  • Guest User

    why do you call it iPad killer? iPad hasnt even been released yet. The game's just beginning. Apple may have had the start on iPod etc, but I dont think other companies are going to miss the bus again. Theres too much at stake.

  • totally agree with you on the fact that other companies aren't going to miss the bus/boat on this one, however out of the tablets that are going to be released, I reckon the google one is going to be the one to give apple a serious run for their money.

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