- Image via CrunchBase
Intel has recently confirmed that it was a victim of the recent ultra-sophisticated cyber attacks. Though Intel has refused to comment on the possible connection of these attacks being linked with Operation Aurora which targeted Google, the timing of the two attacks is astonishingly similar. It’s hard for me to believe that it’s a mere coincidence that both these companies were cyber victimized at the same time yet by different attackers.
As per Intel, the cyber attacks which affected it were not as ‘broad based’ as suggested by Google. Further, Intel has ruled out any losses of intellectual property as a result of these attacks. This disclosure from Intel comes as part of its filing with US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Intel’s claims further highlight the threat posed by sophisticated cyber attacks which have managed to beat the security nets of almost all major technology companies including the likes of Google and Adobe.
‘Intel Inside’ or ‘Attacker Inside’
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- Intel victim of cyberattacks at the same time as Google (arstechnica.com)
- Intel latest to claim January hacking attack (v3.co.uk)
- Intel faced hacker attack same time as Google (sfgate.com)

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