China vs. West, the Cyberwar Gets Ugly

European Union: adapted from original orthogra...

Image via Wikipedia

It is official now; Chinese hackers have raged a Cyberwar against the western world and no one has been spared whether its technology companies like Google and Intel or government agencies in the United States and European Union. These cyber attacks have much broader implications than what most people can imagine. Sensitive intelligence secrets being compromised and exposed to a communist country like China is a perfect recipe for a global disaster.

While the UK and US can boast of fairly sophisticated cyber defense, the EU countries are far more vulnerable to such attacks. Further, the lack of intelligence sharing between US and EU comes as a double blow for EU. The frequency of these cyber attacks has nearly doubled in the 12 months or so and ‘phishing trips’ to try and retrieve sensitive information has become routine on the internet.

These cyber attacks are ultra sophisticated and it is very difficult to trace the origin of these attacks accurately. Though, many government agencies believe that Chinese penetration is the cause behind these attacks, several others have been pointing the fingers at East European hacking community.

  • jaypee5

    I don't know how much we can trust google anymore…

  • janice33rpm

    For a real sober assessment of what may be coming, and how to stop it, read the last chapter of “I.T. WARS” – I had to read this book as part of employee orientation at a new job. You can Google to it and read much of it for free online (Ch. 21, What’s At Stake). The author discusses EMP (Electro-magnetic Pulse) and its effect on society, if a nuclear burst is ever detonated over a country. The book is a business-technology management guide, but it goes into EMP because it would knock out a country's electrical grid, all data, all ability to direct emergency responses – it's a great treatment for this very serious subject. Who doubts that terrorists would pull a nuclear trigger if given the means and opportunity? The author examines EMP because of its potential effect on information technology systems, and thus all society, and poses solutions – just Google “IT WARS”. Janet Napolitano should read that chapter (titled, “The 4-1-1 on 9/11, Katrina, and Beyond”). Word to the wise.

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