Video calling not coming to the iPhone… yet

Look! A real 3G iPhone!

Image by goron via Flickr

If you were one of those in UK who got excited and happy when  O2 updated their iPhone pricing lists for video calling, your excitement is short lived as a spokesperson for O2 clarified that “the UK video calls that appear in their key features table is actually a regrettable mistake” according to a technology website which was contacted by a O2 spokesperson and was one of the first to report the news which traveled  very quickly through  the various technology  sites on the Internet and has definitely  given O2 a busy Monday morning.

It may be bit hard to digest that the site update  for a specific content ( price listing for video calls) may be an error . An error would be to misspell the word iPhneo, not to list prices for video calls and is it just coincidence that the latest SDK has system files for video calling?

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