- Image via CrunchBase
Running Google’s Android operating system on an iPhone, what many geeks have been dreaming for over a year is a reality now thanks to David Wang, better known as “planetbeing” , who is a member of the a group called the iPhone Dev Team, Planetbeing sent a Twitter update and uploaded a video Android running on iPhone ( click on the link for the video) announcing his success on making Android run on iPhone.
The video shows the boot process and Android usage for browsing, receiving a text message, answering a phone call, and playing music. The phone is set up with a dual-boot configuration and indeed the vide begins with the device running iPhone OS.
“It’s not really production-quality yet,” Wang said on the video. “I’d say it’s alpha quality. But pretty much everything works.”
The Android port works on the first and second generation iPhone models while the iPhone 3GS support will need more time. The custom bootloader makes the iPhone dualboot with iPhone OS and Android OS so that you don’t miss out on anything.
While the tension between Apple and Google keeps growing to higher levels each time, developments like these may frustrate Apple further. Google’s Android mobile operating system is looked down as direct competitor to iPhone OS

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