Gowalla launches on iPad before Foursquare

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

Gowalla, the location mobile based  web application that allows users to check-in to locations that they visit using their mobile device is now available on iPad.  This  may be one big selling point of the Gowalla app on the iPad over rival Foursquare, who are yet to launch their own iPad app,  the fact that they are both games where you collect items or badges, a natural rivalry  developed between the two.

Currently, Loopt is the only popular service to offer a similar app for the Apple iPad.

Gowalla for Apple iPad is optimized for the large screen of the iPad. The main screen features the map showcasing where all of your friends currently are.

With the  release of  the 3G edition of the iPad  apps like these will be useful on the iPad platform,  Gowalla’s  iPad app has nothing much added to it when compared to their  iPhone app, small changes made includes  an additional map view which will show your position with respect to your friends.As in any iPad app the zoom out and in feature included will help you explore the world in a much easier and fun filled way.

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