One of the significant and useful feature of mobile Operating system Android 2.2 Froyo showcased at the Google’s Developer Conference last week which go dwarfed by the announcement of Google TV and Android Froyo was the ability of Chrome-to-Device messaging service which allows you to automatically send links from your computer to your Google Android device.
Google Chrome to Phone Extension is a project consisting of a Chrome Extension, Android App, and supporting AppEngine server that enables users to send links from their Chrome desktop browser to their Android device using Android’s Cloud to Device Messaging service.
The buzz is about the ability to push Android apps to your devices, which may be extended to transferring media as well, and also useful is the Web link and map push ability. Using the link push feature, you could send web page links to your Mobile device, for example – if you are looking at a page on your computer than you want to take on the move on your Android Froyo based phone, you can just use a Chrome extension and with one click, it automatically appears on your phone. For maps, If you’re looking up an address in Google Maps on your computer, you can click the extension and it will automatically push it to your Android device — and open it in the Google Maps app.