Delivery date of pre-ordered Apple iPad which is launching in stores tomorrow in UK has been pushed back, the delivery of tablet device was postponed to June 7th a couple days after it started taking orders online and now it has slipped to mid-June ( no date specified), the reason Apple was forced to change the delivery date is due to the exceptionally high demand for the iPad for both Wi-Fi and 3G version.
Apple has missed the mark and has underestimated the forecasted number of iPad it would sell and consequently it is struggling to cope with high demand for the well received tablet device. It is estimated that as many as 200,000 iPad are sold every day in US, where Apple sold more than one million iPads in the first 28 days of its launch.
iPad will be available both in iPad, PC World, Curry’s and Dixon stores, based on the pre-ordering trend and the hype shortages are widely expected and it would only be lucky few who will end up owning the device tomorrow.