No Skype developed software for Windows Phone 7

Image representing Skype as depicted in CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase

With Developers, users and product companies preferring Android, iPhone and even Blackberry OS, Windows Mobile software is getting royally ignored, even in its updated and glorified revision – Windows Phone 7.  The latest to join this list is Skype who has  revealed that they don’t have any development plans for bringing their popular Skype Mobile  service to Windows Phone 7.

Recently Mozilla shelved development of the Firefox for the Windows Phone 7 and apparently it seems that  Skype is going the same way, its not clear If its either due to the lack of belief in the sales of the Windows Mobile platform or the difficulties involved in developing one for the Windows Mobile platform.

The news comes across as very harsh to many Windows Mobile users, particularly those who rely on Skype as their primary VoIP and instant messaging tool on their Windows Mobiles, at a time when Skype has included more countries to call and have lowered rates on some plans.

This may not really be a handicap for Windows Phone 7 users as 3rd party developers such as Fring have in the past developed and circulated communication software which included Skype.

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