London Mayor Boris Johnson pledged a blanket Wi-Fi coverage in time for the Olympic Games in 2012 while speaking at the Google Zeigeist event in Hertfordshire. The statement comes as the city continues to upgrade its infrastructure in time for the Olympic games in 2012. Johnson said his vision was that “every lamppost, every bus stop” in the capital would offer wireless internet access.
Reportedly, the Mayor first floated the idea of extending Wi-Fi access, particularly to the Olympic hub in Stratford, at a meeting of London Organising Campaign of the Olympic Games (LOCOG) meeting of telecoms operators six weeks ago.
The Cloud has come in as the front runner to provide blanket Wi-Fi coverage of London in time for the Olympic Games in 2012.The company, which is the largest provider of Wi-Fi across Europe, has been asked by London Mayor Boris Johnson to draw up plans of how to get the Olympic site at Stratford connected, according to the Financial Times.
“The key telecoms executives meet with Boris and the 2012 Olympic organisers once a quarter to chew over how the industry can respond to the anticipated surge in mobile internet as the Olympics come to town,” said Nicholson. “It’s great for Londoners, great for UK PLC and really encouraging to have broad industry agreement that the only credible means to cater for high performance mobile broadband is over Wi-Fi. I suspect Boris is articulating his thoughts around how we can conceptually deliver a Wi-Fi service across all the key London boroughs to create a Wi-Fi city.” he added.

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