Facebook’s updated app for iPhone a disappointment

Facebook Lite shown in 2009.


Facebook has been proactive with its mobile apps particularly with iPhone app since iPhone launch three years ago. It has released an updated version of their mobile app for the iPhone . The latest version 3.1.3 contains several major updates and important bug fixes, including the ability to watch Facebook videos and upload larger pictures on the iPhone.

The app will have the Facebook fanbois swooning , however, there are few things Facebook needs to work on , a native iPad app tops the list,  it  is pretty surprising considering that their are  millions of iPads out their, lots of them are iPhone owners who definitely might have searched the App Store for a Facebook app . Its more than 2 months  since iPad launch, and there is absolutely no news on when we can expect an iPad app.

Major disappointment is the non-integration of iOS4 features, Facebook didn’t even bother to have the most basic iOS 4 multitasking feature. The latest edition has at least one Interface bug. If you have new messages or friend requests on Facebook, load up the main screen in the app. There you’ll find certain areas badged to let you know there are updates for you to see — but these badges have a dark upper area that clashes badly with the light background of the main screen.

  • Richy_rich69

    Why do you really need an iPad app for facebook when it looks great under safari?

  • timblewee

    surely if the ipad such an amazing internet device you can just use the facebook wed site rather than an app.

  • A Concerned Copy Editor

    It is pretty surprising to consider that their are millions of people who don't know how to use their, there, and they're correctly.

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