Skype has launched a new version of its iPhone app,not surprisingly, the new features take advantage of Apple’s iOS 4 capabilities.Skype for iPhone (now version 2.0.1) users no longer have to keep the software active to receive calls and IMs. Multitasking allows calls to be received even when other apps are running or the phone is locked. Users can even continue a call while switching to another application.
The new edition comes with Skype’s decision to charge for calls over 3G, just over an year ago , a major update to Skype 2.0 for iPhone introduced the oft-requested feature of placing Skype calls over 3G in addition to over Wi-Fi. Skype, however, presented the 3G calling feature as a double-edged sword, offering it as a free trial of what would by August 2010 become a paid subscription. Skype users railed against proposed subscription model.