Tethering on iPhone 4

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...


Thethering, which is the ability of turning your mobile into wireless WiFi HotSpot to share the internet connection you have on the Phone with all the devices that have a wireless adapter has been popular since iPhone’s inception. There have been numerous third-party apps to enable you to save on the outrageous cost which your mobile carrier will charge you in addition to the usage fees.

When OS 3.0 was released last year we showed you how you could enable thethering to bypass O2 expensive thethering app. For iPhone 4 we recommend MyWi 4.0, a tethering app which we’ve tried and liked.

MyWi 4.0
works on a jailbroken iPhone, it is priced at US$ 19.99. It superbly turns your iPhone into a mobile 3G hot spot. We tested MyWi on an iPad wi-fi, the the speed was as good as having an iPad 3G model.

How to tether the iPhone 4 and turn it into a WiFi HotSpot with MyWi 4.0

August 8th, 2010

In the following guide you will learn how to tether the iPhone 4 and

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