Investors or BlackBerry users – no one seems to be happy with BlackBerry maker Research in Motion due to their inability to stay current with the market demands and inability to catch up with Apple iOS and Android based devices that does much more than email and phone calls. That’s going to change according to RIM‘s CEO.
RIM’s CEO Thorsten Heins, who replaced long time CEOs Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie in January asked dissatisfied investors for some time as RIM develops new devices to rival the iPhone and Android smartphones.
Thorsten Heins conceded that the past year has been very difficult for RIM, as its once dominating BlackBerry devices lost market share to iOS and Android based smartphones.
RIM’s BlackBerry 10 OS has faced repeated delays which will make the devices running it to miss the lucrative holiday shopping season and may have to face the new iPhone which is expected from Apple in a couple of months or so.
“I want to assure you that I am not satisfied with the performance of the company over the past year,” he told investors during RIM’s annual shareholders meeting. “The management team and I have already instituted some major changes and there will be more as we work to turn around the company’s performance.”