Apple’s new advertisements – a series of three ads focused on an Apple boy “Genius” helping Apple users in difficult situations received a tepid reception online and got panned universally have now disappeared from the Olympics broadcast on TV.
Apple’s ad agency TBWA/Media/Arts Lab, claims that the ads were only ever intended to run for that brief period of time and were not stopped due to the negative reaction.
One of the ad named ‘basically’ has 4,193 dislikes on YouTube which is more than the 4,134 likes it has received. Apple, which usually has brilliant marketing campaigns seems to be losing their touch.
Earlier this week analytics company Ace Metrix has reported that Google’s first Nexus 7 ad has been more warmly received than Apple’s Genius ad campaign, YouTube statistics is a testimony to this, out of a 1,318,177 views the ad recieved only 188 dislikes and 6,733 likes.