Facebook Adds ‘New Common Actions’ To Open Graph Search

Facebook on Friday announced new ways for developers to tap into Open Graph with verbs:  run, walk, bike, rate, quote, want to read and want to watch.

Facebook made the announcement in a Blog post.

New actions for lifestyle apps

The Open Graph supports a variety of popular activities, like watching videos, and we’re adding the following new common actions:

This improves developers’ ability to publish the types of activities that people want to share. You can learn more about these actions and the associated objects in our documentation for fitness, books, and movies and TV.


More engaging News Feed stories

Following yesterday’s news, we’ve created beautiful News Feed stories on mobile and web to showcase these actions. We want people who use your apps to be excited about how their stories are presented in News Feed – whether they’re sharing a major life moment, like their first marathon, or something smaller, like finishing a book they were reading.

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