Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One Google Play edition phones have started getting an OTA (over-the-air) upgrade to Android 4.3 today evening.
‘ I just got the 4.3 OTA notification on both of my Google-suppled GPe phones. The update is around 150 MB for the SGS4 and 180 MB for the HTC One, and comes as build JWR66V. This comes immediately after both HTC and Samsung released their Android 4.3 kernel sources online. Seems as though Google made good on its promise for speedy updates to the Google Play edition phones, as this comes about a week after the official Nexus program 4.3 OTA started. ‘ says an AnandTech blog post.
Nexus 4 was the first phone to receive the latest version of Android Jelly Bean software, some of the users who upgraded their Nexus 4 phones have complained of issues including overheating, crashing, rapid battery drain and a loop during device startup. Early upgrade reports for Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One have not reported any issues yet.