Who to Vote for in the UK General Elections

En mass we should all head down tomorrow to go and vote for the party that will lead us to salvation! Who you going to vote for? what will help you decide? maybe a video…

In no particular order, here are their videos. Nothing like a bit of a spiel to help you make up your mind. Oh one last word on the videos, if I can’t find the parties video on the Internet, it will be replaced with something similar. Feel free to add links to the comments if I’m missing a party.



Liberal Democrats



Labour again?

?? I’ll leave that for you to look at somewhere else.


Plaid Cymru

2010 English Democrats

OK, so if you watch all of them, then well done. Good luck tomorrow, the future of the country is at the tip of your pen stroke.

This article was first published on überBusy

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