Facebook’s New Age Social Mantra – End of the Privacy Era!

If you just logged into your Facebook account after a long break, don’t be surprised if you see a lot of friend requests from strangers and a bunch of

irrelevant messages/ invitations. If that’s not enough, you’d be shocked to know that your name, profile photo, gender and other personal information are now public on Facebook.

All these changes are courtesy the new privacy (rather, the lack of privacy) policy of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook believes that the social norms have changed and people like to share their personal information online. It takes a lot of courage to say that (and do that) on behalf of the 350 million Facebook users. Facebook’s success mantra was the freedom of choice that it offers to users – right from the profile, photos, friends and the applications. The latest move is likely to irk a lot of people and the reason is not hard to guess – not everybody likes an invasion of their privacy.


Ruk Cooray is Co-Founder of LDN.cm you can find him on twitter here rambling about something or the other

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