Archive by Author

Google Image Search Is Blocking Porn

Google Image Search Is Blocking Porn

Google is filtering explicit content in Google image search queries in the US and UK, even for users who have Safe Search turned off. Google has made changes to the Safe Search parameters, users now need to be more specific when requesting explicit content. You can enable “Filter explicit results” from the SafeSearch button. The only close to a official statement came for a Google representative [...]
Yahoo Rolls Out New Interface for Web. iOS, Windows 8 and Android Gets New App

Yahoo Rolls Out New Interface for Web. iOS, Windows 8 and Android Gets New App

Yahoo launched a new version of Yahoo Mail, making the popular email service faster and cleaner, with a consistent look across all devices. The new version was announced by Yahoo Chief Executive Marissa Mayer in a blog post, will be available on all major platforms, it includes an updated web Mail version and new apps for  Windows 8, iPhone and Android. “You’ve told us loud and clear that [...]
Twitter Publishes Its 2012 Year In Review

Twitter Publishes Its 2012 Year In Review

Twitter released its 2012 Year In Review  on Tuesday which reflect upon what happened on Twitter this year. Here’s what Twitter had to say: Every day, we’re amazed and humbled by the many ways in which people use Twitter, which range from simply retweeting to igniting conversations with hashtags (even around lesser-known topics) to sharing spectacular and far-flung views. In 2012, everyone on [...]
Twitter Rolling Out Header Photos To All Accounts Starting December 12

Twitter Rolling Out Header Photos To All Accounts Starting December 12

Twitter’s CEO Dick Costolo announced a re-design, with the option to include a large header photo across the top of Twitter user profile pages few weeks ago. Starting on December 12,all Twitter users will be forced over to use the “cover photo”, ala Facebook and other services. Twitter announced the changes in a Blog post. “A few months ago, we introduced new Twitter profiles so that [...]
Twitter fined For Late UK Corporate Accounts Filing

Twitter fined For Late UK Corporate Accounts Filing

Twitter and it’s subsidiary Tweetdeck faces a fine of £375 after failing to file its latest company accounts on time. The company was due to lodge its annual accounts no later than September, but has still not done so, according to Companies House. As a result Twitter and TweetDeck , have been charged with automatic penalty charges by the Cardiff based authority, according to Sky News. Twitter [...]
Gmail And Google Drive Outage For Some User, Chrome Browser Also Crashing When Accessing Gmail

Gmail And Google Drive Outage For Some User, Chrome Browser Also Crashing When Accessing Gmail

Social Media is abuzz with reports about Gmail and other Google services, such as Google Play, Google Drive, Google Calendar, Chrome Sync facing an outage this evening. Many are experiencing the outage, but it is not a total outage. Google’s Apps Status Dashboard indicates a service disruption on Dec. 10 for both Gmail and Google Drive. In addition, the status site “Is it down?” said [...]
Google To Start Charging New Small Business Accounts for Google Apps

Google To Start Charging New Small Business Accounts for Google Apps

Google Apps, the popular and cheaper alternative to Microsoft Exchange was a huge hit with small Businesses and Education Industry, in its earlier day it use to offer Apps for Business for free for up to 200 users, Google was phasing out support for its free Google Apps for businesses over the last couple of years. The party finally ends today – Google is now pulling the plug on its free Google [...]
Google Releases YouTube for iOS Update with iPad and iPhone 5 Support

Google Releases YouTube for iOS Update with iPad and iPhone 5 Support

YouTube has updated the YouTube app for iOS on Tuesday with support for the iPhone 5′s display, along with the ability to stream videos over AirPlay to the Apple TV or other enabled devices more easily. The updated iOS YouTube app now also has full support for the iPad, with a iPad friendly interface that is specifically designed for Apple’s tablet. “Just in time for the holidays, now you [...]
Google Releases Version 2.0 Of Gmail App For iPhone And iPad

Google Releases Version 2.0 Of Gmail App For iPhone And iPad

Google has released a much needed new version of its iOS Gmail app for iPhone and iPad promising a “faster, sleeker and easier” email experience. The release adds key features such as support for multiple accounts and auto-complete functionality. You can now log in to as many as five Google accounts and switch among them with a couple of taps. The app also adds many new time-saving features. For [...]
Judge Lucy Koh Wants The Patents in Apple-HTC Settlement To Remain Unsealed

Judge Lucy Koh Wants The Patents in Apple-HTC Settlement To Remain Unsealed

U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh who ruled in Apple-Samsung case said that while details of pricing and royalty rates for patents from Apple-HTC settlement should be kept under wraps from public view, the same does not hold true for the rest of the agreement. “This Court has repeatedly explained that only the pricing and royalty terms of license agreements may be sealed,” Koh wrote in [...]
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