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Microsoft Sued By Patent Troll For Windows Live Tiles In Its Operating Systems

Microsoft Sued By Patent Troll For Windows Live Tiles In Its Operating Systems

Credit : Operating system technology designing company SurfCast is suing Microsoft over the Live Tiles feature. Live Tiles were introduced two years ago with the launch of Windows Phone 7, and came into limelight with the focus on Windows 8, Windows RT, and Windows Phone 8 in the recent times. Thenextweb reported about the lawsuit and covered the patent details “SurfCast [...]
Facebook Testing Single Column Posts Timeline Design

Facebook Testing Single Column Posts Timeline Design

Credit : Facebook is testing a new variant of its Timeline layout, the new designs halves the number of columns for posts from two to one. The new design will still carry two columns, the left one is for items like Wall posts, status updates, shared on a user’s profile while the right one is for everything else the user wants on the profile – boxes for Friends, [...]
iOS Gets Google Search App With Siri Like Voice Capabilities

iOS Gets Google Search App With Siri Like Voice Capabilities

Google has introduced voice search to it’s Google Search app for iPhone and iPad which until now was found only on its Android counterpart, it  gives users an alternative to Apple’s native voice assistant Siri. The voice search inherits features from Google Now including the look, sounds and a voice assistant that reads the search results back, the new voice search feature aims to better [...]
Close To 1 Million Google Nexus 7 Tablets Sold Each Month : Asus

Close To 1 Million Google Nexus 7 Tablets Sold Each Month : Asus

Google’ Nexus 7 tablet has proved to be disruptive force in the 7-inch tablet segment, the device manufactured by  Taiwanese based Asustek, has received positive reviews and customer acceptance and also meant an increase in profits for the conmpany which is more popularly  known as Asus. According to the a Wall Street Journal report Asustek officials said following the company’s third quarter [...]
“We Are Ok” Is Facebook’s Top Shared Term Following Hurricane Sandy

“We Are Ok” Is Facebook’s Top Shared Term Following Hurricane Sandy

Facebook’s journalism program manager Vadim Lavrusik on Tuesday  posted the 10 most-shared terms by Facebook users today on Facebook’s media page , and “We are ok” tops the list. The status update is used by people affected by Hurricane Sandy in US, people are leaving notes for loved ones about their own situation.  Others in the top 10 included “power” (lost power, have power), “made [...]
Gmail To Get A Chat Type Popup Compose Window

Gmail To Get A Chat Type Popup Compose Window

Gmail is soon debuting  a cooler new way to compose messages in Gmail through a popup window instead of loading a whole new “compose” page. The window will not be a new browser window, but rather an overlay on the Gmail page similar to a Gmail chat window, though the compose version is a bit bigger than the chat window. “The new compose is designed to let you focus on what’s important: [...]
New Fourth Generation iPad Performs Twice As Fast As Third Generation iPad in Benchmark Tests

New Fourth Generation iPad Performs Twice As Fast As Third Generation iPad in Benchmark Tests

The latest variant of iPad is twice as fast as its predecessor, If the latest Geekbench benchmarks are to be believed, it was spotted by Primate Labs’ John Poole who believes that “there’s nothing in the result that indicates it’s a fake.” Fourth Generation iPad’s 1.4GHz dual core processor, coupled with 1GB of RAM, gets it a solid Geekbench score of 1,757, whereas the [...]
New Fourth Generation iPad Selling Fast, Shipping Time Pushed Back To ‘1 Week’

New Fourth Generation iPad Selling Fast, Shipping Time Pushed Back To ‘1 Week’

Initial supplies of the new fourth generation iPad have run out on the Apple Store and shipping times have consequently been pushed back to one week. Apple’s new iPad mini were also sold out  just after  three days. Wi-Fi + Cellular-equipped iPad models continue to show a mid-November ship date on, but both black and white Wi-Fi only models appear to be sold out in all storage configurations.
Hello 4G, Mobile Provider EE’s LTE Network Goes Live in United Kingdom

Hello 4G, Mobile Provider EE’s LTE Network Goes Live in United Kingdom

EE, formerly known as Everything Everywhere has debuted its new 4G networks, which  promises a much faster and more consistent Internet connection for our devices than the current 3G connections. 4G or LTE is poised to become a new standard soon. EE is the only network offering 4G speeds in the United Kingdom today. Southampton is the first among the 11 cities to recieve high speed mobile broadband,five [...]
Apple’s iPad Mini Models Are A Sellout

Apple’s iPad Mini Models Are A Sellout

  Preorders for Apple’s new iPad mini which started Friday midnight Eastern Time, and after just three days, they are sold out. Order a Wi-Fi-only model now, and it won’t ship for another two weeks, previously the shipping was to begin at November 2. Apple pricing the new 7.9 inch tablets starting at significantly higher than other tablets in its range, significantly more than competing tablets [...]
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