Posted by A Ocean on July 23, 2012 ·
If you had planned on buying a 16GB Nexus 7 but have not already, there is some bad news for you – It’s sold out. Google is no longer taking orders for the £199 model. The page for the 16GB version Google Play displays a “coming soon” message, Interested customers can register to be notified via email when the model becomes available once again.
Nexus 7 which is built by Asus [...]
Posted by A Ocean on July 20, 2012 ·
Sparrow, the popular thrid-party email app for MAC OS and iOS plus a great Gmail solution for iPhone users has been acquired by Google. According to some reports, the price is said to be around US $25 million.
“The Sparrow team has always put their users first by focusing on building a seamlessly simple and intuitive interface for their email client. We look forward to bringing them aboard [...]
Posted by A Ocean on July 20, 2012 ·
Google and Microsoft have come out with their Financials for the past Quarter, Microsoft Corp. announced quarterly revenue of $18.06 billion for the quarter ended June 30, 2012. Operating income and loss per share for the quarter were $192 million and $0.06 per share due to a huge $6.2 billion charge in its online services division relating to its failed 2007 acquisition of aQuantive.
“We delivered [...]
Posted by A Ocean on July 19, 2012 ·
If you are among the hundreds of Google Nexus 7 pre-order customers are still waiting for their tablets to arrive on their doorsteps and think that you are unlucky, you are wrong as some of the consumers, lucky enough to receive a Nexus 7 were dumbfounded when they began using the tablet only to find a number of manufacturing defects.
XdaDevelopers and other online forums have numerous reports that [...]
Posted by A Ocean on July 19, 2012 ·
October 26th, 2012 is the date for Windows 8 launch according to a post on the official Windows Team Blog.Microsoft had previously announced that an upgrade from Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 will cost US $40 for a download.
Windows 8 is one of the most anticipated and ambitious overhauls of Windows Operating System in years, most of the previous version of the OS variant including the Mobile [...]
Posted by A Ocean on July 18, 2012 ·
58 percent of people in UK send text messages each day, that’s way ahead of 47 percent who prefer making phone calls according to a study by Ofcom, the Independent regulator for the UK communications industries.
The change in communication is being driven by the growth of smartphones, and Ofcom found that more than one quarter of adults (27 per cent) and close to half of teenagers (47 per cent) [...]
Posted by A Ocean on July 18, 2012 ·
UK court gave a ruling last week that Samsung’s Galaxy tablets don’t infringe Apple’s registered designs, that iPad maker Apple should publish a notice on its U.K. website and in British newspapers alerting people to a ruling that Samsung Electronics Co. didn’t copy designs for the iPad according to a report by Bloomberg.
“Should Apple continue to make excessive legal claims [...]
Posted by A Ocean on July 17, 2012 ·
Google has started shipping Nexus 7 pre-orders to customers who ordered the device from Google Play stores outside of the United States.
‘We’re now shipping Nexus 7 preorders. Many US and Australia preorders are scheduled to ship by July 17th. UK and Canada preorders have also begun shipping in waves.’ says a statement on the Google Play’s support page.
Will the Nexus 7 wave [...]
Posted by A Ocean on July 17, 2012 ·
Microsoft released the customer preview of the new Microsoft Office, Office 2013 and Office 365. The next release features an intuitive design that works with touch, stylus, mouse or keyboard across new Windows devices, including tablets.
You could get your hands on the customer preview at , the newest version gives more prominence to cloud computing and is designed for use with [...]
Posted by A Ocean on July 16, 2012 ·
If you are a regular Skype user, this will come as a shocker as your private messaging with someone on your contact list could be sent to another random person on your contacts list.
Reported in the Skype support forums, “shocked” users had said private instant messages had been re-sent to to a random person on their contacts list.
Microsoft owned Skype has acknowledged the bug. “We [...]