Archive : Tech

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Apple To Drop Patent Claim Against Samsung Galaxy S III Mini

Apple To Drop Patent Claim Against Samsung Galaxy S III Mini

Apple has agreed to drop it’s patent claims against Samsung Galaxy S III Mini after Samsung said it was not planning to sell the product in the U.S. market.
Record 328 Million App Downloads And 17.4 Million Android And iOS Mobile Activations On Christmas Day

Record 328 Million App Downloads And 17.4 Million Android And iOS Mobile Activations On Christmas Day

328 million apps were downloaded on Christmas Day, along with  17.4 million new iOS and Android device activation according to Flurry Analytics. “More iOS and Android devices are activated on Christmas Day than on any other day of the year. This year was no exception. On this Christmas Day 2012, more iPhones, iPads, Galaxy’s, Kindle Fires, and more, were activated than on any other day [...]
Apple CEO Tim Cook’s 2012 Salary Drops 99% From US$ 378m Last Year To $4.2m This Year

Apple CEO Tim Cook’s 2012 Salary Drops 99% From US$ 378m Last Year To $4.2m This Year

Apple CEO Tim Cook’s earned total compensation of $4.17 million in 2012, down from $378 million in 2011, Apple said in an SEC filing today. Bloomberg reports that Steve Jobs successor’s  annual payment included $1.36 million in base salary and $2.8 million in incentive plan compensation. The total compensation for the four senior Apple executive offices, other than CEO Tim Cook, in 2012 thus [...]
Amazon UK Top’s Customer Satisfaction Scores for the Top 40 Retail Websites in the UK

Amazon UK Top’s Customer Satisfaction Scores for the Top 40 Retail Websites in the UK  and led ForeSee’s annual Holiday E-Retail Satisfaction Index Customer Satisfaction Scores for the Top 40 Retail Websites in the UK.  garnered 86 points, to stay ahead of, which recorded 84 points. John Lewis (80) stayed at in third this year, rounding out the list of three companies that surpass the excellence threshold of 80. (79), Apple [...]
Apple Online Store Hits A Four Year Low in Customer Satisfaction Survey

Apple Online Store Hits A Four Year Low in Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer satisfaction with Apple’s online store slipped to 80 from the 83 points it garnered in 2011 according to ForeSee’s annual Holiday E-Retail Satisfaction Index. The results are  compiled from 24,000 U.S.  customer surveys gathered between Thanksgiving and Christmas. “This year, we’re seeing that even some of the largest companies in the country are at risk if they lose sight of customer [...]
Instagram Faces Class Action Lawsuit

Instagram Faces Class Action Lawsuit

Instagram’s changed terms of service which were announced few days ago caused a great deal of furore among the users, with many suspecting that the company was going to begin selling user photos without compensation. Instagram is now served with it’s  first civil lawsuit . Reuters reported about the lawsuit “In a proposed class action lawsuit filed in San Francisco federal court [...]
Dropbox Releases Android Beta App, Adds New Photo Features

Dropbox Releases Android Beta App, Adds New Photo Features

Dropbox has released a new open beta to preview and test upcoming software. The latest version of the beta is and is available as a direct download from the Dropbox forums. Dropbox forum has more details ” What’s new: – Effortlessly share several of your beautiful photos at once – Organize your favorite photos into albums. You can share them too! – Delete multiple [...]
Faceboook Updates Privacy System To Messaging System, Tests Service to Let Non-Friends Pay To Guarantee Message Delivery

Faceboook Updates Privacy System To Messaging System, Tests Service to Let Non-Friends Pay To Guarantee Message Delivery

Want to send a Facebook message to a person who is not your Facebook friend? Pay up.  Facebook on Thursday starts testing if it can monetize and cut spam at the same time by asking you to pay to ensure the recipient sees it. Facebook’s also changing everyone’s privacy settings into dynamic filters that let “relevant” messages through. Facebook says the changes are primarily designed to let [...]
Twitter Hits 200 Million users Mark

Twitter Hits 200 Million users Mark

Twitter may not have reached Facebook’s landmark of a Billion users, but, it’s growing at a steady pace, the popular micro-blogging service now has more than 200 million active users around the world, with some 10 million of those in the UK. What’s notable is that it has seen more than 45% growth in the last 8 months, it had around 140 million in May with major events such as the [...]
Apple Releases  iOS Version 6.0.2 To Resolve WiFi Connectivity Issue

Apple Releases iOS Version 6.0.2 To Resolve WiFi Connectivity Issue

Apple has few hours ago  released iOS 6.0.2 for the iPhone 5 and iPad mini , which fixes a software bug which hampers the connections and speeds of the WiFi connection. Apple has already tried to fix this once before with iOS 6.0.1, but it seems that the problem has persisted.   Users can plug their iPhone 5 or iPad mini into iTunes to install the update, or wait for the OTA system to be activated. [...]
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