Archive : Tech

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Apple releases iTunes 10.0.1, makes Ping more social

Apple releases iTunes 10.0.1, makes Ping more social

Apple released an update to its iTunes software with Apple iTunes 10.0.1 launching on Friday last week. The new releases mostly adds bug fixes and changes the way users share music  on Ping , it adds the ability to use Ping from within  iTunes library, instead of having to manually search out music tracks you already owned in the database of the iTunes Store. Apple lists the following change [...]
BT offering Broadband Users free Fibre upgrade

BT offering Broadband Users free Fibre upgrade

British Telecom has come out with an attractive offer for subscribers who subscribe to  its current broadband and landline telephony bundles — it offers an upgrade you to BT’s  fibre  optic network free of charge, the new offer include 40GB a month usage limits and £25 setup fees for users on the cheapest monthly bundles. The offer will see customers enjoy superfast speeds from [...]
Apple could be working on iNewsstand for publications

Apple could be working on iNewsstand for publications

Apple’s launch of iBook with iPad’s debut, was meant to herald a new era for electronic reading , but it hasn’t offered a impressive portfolio of newspapers and magazines. That may soon change, according to reports Apple  is working on developing a digital newsstand for publishers that would let them sell magazines and newspapers to consumers for use on iPad and iPhone. The newsstand, [...]
Facebook Places now available in UK

Facebook Places now available in UK

Now take your Facebook ‘places’ in UK, Facebook. Facebook’s geo-locational service Facebook Places is now working in the United Kingdom, launching only a month ago in the US, Facebook Places is catching up very quickly in US amidst privacy concerns. At a press conference in London this morning, Facebook Places product manager Michael Sharon walked the media through the service and not [...]
Apple iOS 4.2 beta made available to developers

Apple iOS 4.2 beta made available to developers

Apple iOS 4.2 beta made available to developers signed on to its development program. iOS 4.2  is suppose to add a number of features, especially for the iPad, in the form of multi-tasking, AirPlay, folder organization, the ability to print from your iPad and more. Apple has also announced that it is releasing a beta version of its AirPrint wireless printing for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch through [...]
Apple’s free iPhone 4 case program to come to an end

Apple’s free iPhone 4 case program to come to an end

In a message posted to its website on Friday, Apple updated its iPhone case program webpage and announced that the program will officially be coming to an end on September 30. A return to Apple’s normal return policy means that iPhone owner now have only 14 days to return their device and will incur a 10% restocking fee. “We now know that the iPhone 4 antenna attenuation issue is even [...]
Google TV  to launch next quarter

Google TV to launch next quarter

The IFA technology show in Berlin saw Google reaffirm it’s plans to release the Google TV set-top box in the U.S. later this year, with launch in the rest of the world coming in 2011. Google TV, which was unveiled at the company’s annual I/O developer conference in May, aims to bring Internet video to the living room. Users will be able to search the web and switch back and forth between [...]
Ping Surpasses 1 Million Users

Ping Surpasses 1 Million Users

Apple’s Ping music social network had a rocky start, it was hit with spam comments,  saw Facebook withdrawing ‘Facebook Connect’ and is plagued with  international availability issues, despite these issues it surpassed the 1 million user milestone in few days after launch. Apple had introduced Ping as the centerpiece of iTunes 10, users can follow updates from both their friends and [...]
Apple’s new Social Network Ping hit by Spam

Apple’s new Social Network Ping hit by Spam

Internet and Spam are synonymous,  how could Apple’s recently launched Ping Social Networking site be safe from spam. The Ping network which is  integrated with iTunes 10 and allows iTunes users to follow  artists, update status and swap comments with other fans got attacked by spammers within few hours of its launch, the comments sections to be swamped by phony offers for free iPhones and [...]
Skype’s latest version could do a 10 way video chat

Skype’s latest version could do a 10 way video chat

Skype has launched a updated beta version of Skype 5.0 beta  and the latest edition  is showing a bit of ambition today as it comes with a  mighty 10-way video calling feature. The earlier flavor of Skype 5.0 beta threw up a 5-way chat,this release will  have a number of major improvements such as * General User Interface refresh * Skype Home experience * Offline instant messaging * New contact [...]
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