Archive : Tech

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Google Maps for mobile crosses 100 million users a month

Google Maps for mobile crosses 100 million users a month

More than 100 million people a month are now using Google Maps wrote Vic Gundotra, Google’s Vice President of Engineering,  Gundotra blogged about the evolution of Google Maps over the past five years, which has become immensely more valuable with the rise of mobile apps and GPS-enabled smartphones. It does help that the now top selling Android based phones comes pre-loaded with Google Maps. Gundotra [...]
YouTube Charts section debuts

YouTube Charts section debuts

YouTube has started  featuring its top videos in a new section called YouTube Charts which  tells users top videos across categories. Think of it as the Billboard Hot 100 for the world of web video. The “most subscribed” option of YouTube Charts gives  insight into what YouTube channels are gaining popularity at any given moment. YouTube Charts ranks videos by various criteria: videos that [...]
Apple TV to get a new name, no 1080 pixel playback

Apple TV to get a new name, no 1080 pixel playback

Couple of months ago, rumors mills were buzzing with the news that Apple TV is getting a makeover which reportedly included iOS 4, Apple’s A4 chip, 1080 px playback, 16GB of storage with a US $99 price label. All of the above features except a 1080 px playback is reportedly confirmed by the same source who had earlier let the cat out of the bag. Apple also will be officially changing the [...]
Is Apple planning to turn Lala into a video streaming service?

Is Apple planning to turn Lala into a video streaming service?

Apple’s  acquisition of online streaming music company last year was seen as the Cupertino based company’s foray into cloud computing services, it made sense. Google  already was successful in its cloud based ventures (gmail, picassa and related services), Microsoft was focussing big time with online collaboration getting extra focus in  Office 2010 version. When Apple [...]
Windows 7 surges past Apple’s Mac OS X

Windows 7 surges past Apple’s Mac OS X

According to a report on Operating Systems from  Windows 7 is way ahead Apple’s Mac OS X l and its predecessor Windows Vista  for the fourth consecutive month. Windows 7 now commands 14.46% of the market usage share (up from 13.70% in June), compared to Vista’s 14.34% (down from 14.68%), the first month that 7 has had a greater usage share than Vista. XP continues [...]
Internet Explorer continues getting more users

Internet Explorer continues getting more users

Microsoft’s good ole boy – Internet Explorer continues to make a comeback, According to Internet Explorer has grown its usage share for the second month in a row. And once again, the fastest growing web browser overall is Internet Explorer 8. IE’s gains come, as before, at the expense of both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.Here is the surprising [...]
Sky 3D channel releasing this October

Sky 3D channel releasing this October

The Sky 3D channel which so far was available only in few pubs in U.K. will launch on October 1 for the public, with the innovative broadcaster offering the service for all Sky+ HD viewers for no extra cost.  Viewers who subscribe to Sky’s HD package and, have a 3D ready television will be able to get 3D broadcasts through their satellite dish from October. “Following hot on the [...]
Apple’s new Magic Trackpad – enchanting enough ?

Apple’s new Magic Trackpad – enchanting enough ?

Apple has launched the software updates required to welcome Magic Trackpad with the  release of  new drivers for the Magic Trackpad, in both OS X and Windows versions. The initial reviews on the internet have been largely positive. The Magic Trackpad is larger, wireless, multi-touch, buttonless, and more stylish, with a familiar experience – It feels just like using a slightly larger version [...]
Apple launches new iMac and Mac Pro models along with Magic Trackpad and a battery charger

Apple launches new iMac and Mac Pro models along with Magic Trackpad and a battery charger

As widely expected and rumored – which was in a way confirmed when Apple store went down – Apple has updated its line of iMac and Mac Pro desktop computers. The new iMacs look identical to their predecessors. But Apple said they boast faster processors and graphic cards that represent a 50 per cent performance increase over the old line. The rumors about a track pad also came true [...]
Apple store not online currently : new iMac expected

Apple store not online currently : new iMac expected

Try  to access the Apple Store and you will see the  “We’ll be back soon” message.There has been a lot of speculation in the last few days that a new version of iLife and some new iMacs are on the way as there has been a drought in updates for both for some time now. Both Mac Pro and iMac are expected to get a new range of processor options, with a high-end hexacore Intel Core i7 for the [...]
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