Posted by Martin Beauchamp on June 8, 2010 ·
The highly anticipated WWDC event yesterday saw Steve Jobs waltz on stage and proclaim that iAds, Apple’s advertising network has already taken bookings of $60 million weeks before the official launch on 1st July. To coin a word from Steve these revenues are phenomenal considering they have only started selling 8 weeks ago.
Steve Jobs went on to say “iAd offers advertisers the emotion [...]
Posted by Calvin Robinson on June 4, 2010 ·
Because we can’t all have The Knowledge, Nokia have made Sat Nav free for everyone
Nokia’s new navigation optimised phones include Ovi Maps with free voice-guided turn-by-turn navigation, and an in-car holder for an even better and easier navigation experience. We have even added an in-car charger for selected models so that your phone is fully charged when you get to your destination. All [...]
Posted by A Ocean on June 4, 2010 ·
Microsoft has announced Updates to the free Windows Live Essentials suite of software and services make it easier to communicate and share from your Windows PC. Windows Live Essentials Wave 4 suite includes features like Windows Live Mail, Writer, Photo Gallery, Messenger, Sync, Movie Maker, Bing Bar and Family Safety among others. We bring you in detail some of the features.
Windows Live Photo [...]
Posted by A Ocean on June 2, 2010 ·
Few days after reaching numero uno position and becoming the most valuable technology company in terms of market capitalization, Apple has joined the infamous club of big companies – including IBM, Intel and Microsoft – which got investigated for antitrust allegations by United States Department of Justice(DoJ). The Department of Justice is investigating Apple over antitrust [...]
Posted by A Ocean on June 1, 2010 ·
Apple’s tablet iPad is the talk of the country right since the pre-launch buzz to the store debut and the euphoria at Regent Street at London last Friday. For some of the people who decided late to get the funky tablet are in two minds whether to get the 3G or the WiFi model.
Sporkings editor, Calvin Robinson reviewed both the versions over the extended weekend, our verdict is that you should [...]
Posted by A Ocean on May 28, 2010 ·
Picplz, which is a location-centric photo streaming service which lets users share images of of people, places, or some combination of the two is soon launching its beta app for Android mobile phones.
Picplz comes from Mixed Media Labs which is the new startup created by Imeem executives Bryan Berg, Dalton Caldwell and Ali Aydar, think of picplz as a photo-based Gowalla or Foursquare, users [...]
Posted by A Ocean on May 27, 2010 ·
Apple iPad’s expected shortage and delay in UK has been widely reported and discussed in webosphere, this news has expectedly dampened the spirit of iPad fans waiting to get their hand on the revolutionary Tablet device but fortunately this does not seem to apply to the early birdies who pre-ordered their iPad, few have started getting their iPads a day before the launch.
Twitter was abuzz [...]
Posted by A Ocean on May 26, 2010 ·
The immense potential and benefit of mobile apps is now well understood by one and all, thanks to the popularity of Apple iPhone apps, the success story of Apple mobile apps is now carried forward by Apple’s 10 inch tablet iPad which runs all the iPhone apps by default and have seen developers coming out with apps specifically to take advantage of its large screen and high processing power.
Gadget [...]
Posted by A Ocean on May 26, 2010 ·
HTC Wildfire smart phone which is a lower cost alternative to the Taiwan based company’s HTC Desire and HTC Legend models will now be available on mobile carrier Vodafone as well along with Virgin Media, Three and T-Mobile.
Vodafone has announced that it’s going to be selling the all-new HTC has created a dedicated webpage giving the lowdown on this latest Android [...]
Posted by A Ocean on May 25, 2010 ·
Planning on pre-ordering an iPad but hate to wait for the 2 weeks delivery time or avoiding the queues at the 27 Apple stores in Britian, here is some good news. DSGI (Dixons Store Group International ) which owns PC World, Currys and Dixons has 60-day exclusive to sell Apple’s tablet computer in 139 stores according to the news leaked to Times by an insider.
A DSGi spokesperson told the [...]