Posted by Ruk Cooray on September 18, 2009 ·
Couple of changes happening on Facebook this week, first the tagging of posts and now early this morning Facebook announced a new way of logging into your facebook account.
This new feature makes it easier to sign in to Facebook, you can do this by using the vanity URL you may or may not have chosen a few months ago to login. This is an ok feature for people who may have long email addesses, however [...]
Posted by Calvin Robinson on August 27, 2009 ·
News just in; Apple have actually approved the Spotify app.
None of us though it would actually happen.
We’re left wondering if iTunes will replace 7digital as media download partners.
Watch this space for more info. We believe an official announcement will be made tomorrow.
Posted by Calvin Robinson on August 25, 2009 ·
Disqus is a third party commenting system, used on a lot of popular blogs including TechCrunch, ITProPortal and of course Sporkings!
The idea is that no matter what website you comment on, you get to use the same login details. This is an OpenID approach to commenting, that has been very successful. But with the launch of Echo last month, it seems Disqus felt the need to up their game a little. [...]
Posted by Vlad Ionesi on August 20, 2009 ·
Although “tweet” is a word attached to Twitter and, although the social network introduced it, it does not necessarily mean that it is theirs. This transcribes to “Twitter might not even have the means to trademark it”. Moreover, this is exactly what happened on July 1st. Twitter applied to trademark “tweet” on April 16 and, on July 1st, the Patent Office preliminary denied it. Tough blow, [...]
Posted by Vlad Ionesi on August 18, 2009 ·
Bad news for Facebook this week, as a new lawsuit was filed against them. This Monday, a group of five Facebook users filed a civil lawsuit, in which the company was accused of violating California consumer privacy laws. This was happening on Monday, at the California’s Orange County Superior Court.
The five plaintiffs, a professional photographer, two 13-year-old children, and actress and model, [...]
Posted by Vlad Ionesi on August 18, 2009 ·
The major disadvantage of creating something simple and easy to use that is rapidly gaining popularity is that there will always be people that come and say, “Hey, it was my idea!” This is what Twitter is experiencing right now. A Texas-based company called TechRadium just filed a lawsuit against the popular social website, based on a patent to “allow a group administrator or ‘message [...]
Posted by Vlad Ionesi on August 13, 2009 ·
This might sound unbelievable, but it is absolutely true! PepsiCo, the owner of Mountain Dew soda brand has rented a bowling alley in Brooklyn to throw a “taste test” party. They were testing the brand new “Ultraviolet” diet soda. Most of the guests were Twitter users and fans. On a projector screen, everybody could watch Twitter search queries related to @mtn_dew and occurrences of the hashtag [...]
Posted by Vlad Ionesi on August 11, 2009 ·
As you all know, WordPress has just released the new 2.8.3 update. While boosting its capabilities, the update also weakens WordPress’s security with a dangerous vulnerability. And this is not just something to play with. Blog owners can literally be locked out of their administrator accounts. Hackers will use the online password reset function to reset the admin password, leaving the blog owner [...]
Posted by Ruk Cooray on August 10, 2009 ·
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
We’ve all seen the googlezon video, could this be the beginings of a new video to be created?
It was just announced that facebook would be purchasing the amount is not clear at the moment, however what is known is that all friendfeed staff will be joining facebook and the four co-founders “will hold senior roles on Facebook’s [...]
Posted by Calvin Robinson on August 6, 2009 ·
We had the opportunity of playing around with Kohive, and I have to say personally I’m very disappointed.
I had this application 5 years ago, it was called Goowy. AOL bought them out and they seized to exist. But what Goowy did was try to create a ‘virtual desktop’ full of widgets and such. As far as I know, nobody wants to move their desktop into the browser, they simply want [...]