Tag Archives : Instant messaging

GTalk Is Currently Down – Google Confirms Outage

GTalk Is Currently Down – Google Confirms Outage

Google’s  GTalk is currently down. Users are not able to see contacts or send messages, in some cases contacts are visible, the messages won’t get sent. As is the norm now various users on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites have reported this first. Google released a statement “We’re aware of a problem with Google Talk affecting a majority of users. The affected users [...]
Skype bug sends private instant messages to random unintended recipients

Skype bug sends private instant messages to random unintended recipients

If you are a regular Skype user, this will come as a shocker as your private messaging with someone on your contact list could be sent to another random person on your contacts list. Reported in the Skype support forums, “shocked” users had said private instant messages had been re-sent to to a random person on their contacts list. Microsoft owned Skype has acknowledged the bug. “We [...]
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